and show places you didn't even know about

Feel the power of the castle walls, the severity of the dungeons and the true spirit of history!
The castle in Dubno is one of the oldest castles in Ukraine, which impresses with its power and impregnability, because it was never taken by storm. Tatar spears and Swedish sabers were broken under the castle walls, and countless riches brought from trophies were kept here. Today Dubno Castle is the decoration of the region and one of the seven wonders of castles in Ukraine
During the tour you will see:
- gatehouse and 2 majestic palaces of the XV-XVIII centuries. - the palace of the princes of Ostroh and the palace of the princes of Lubomyr
- well-preserved authentic dungeons - casemates
- unique museum exhibits
- impressive exhibition "History of instruments of torture and punishment"
- real guns, ancient weapons, protective weapons and much more
Here you will learn about heroic battles, secular intrigues and romantic adventures, as well as climb the castle walls to the famous tower "Beatka". The atmosphere around the castle is filled with the true spirit of history, and the castle itself is shrouded in interesting legends and stories. Are waiting for you!
- children's - 15 UAH.
- adult - 20 UAH.
- for children - 150 UAH.
- for adults - 200 UAH.
Exclusive trip to the Throne Room

* the service is available only as part of a group / guide order
Feel the exclusivity and sophistication while in the Throne Hall of the Castle of the Princes of Ostroh.
Staying in the gatehouse of the end of the XV century. in the exclusive interior of the princely era, in the atmosphere of our historical past, surrounded by a portrait gallery of the owners of Dubno Castle and members of their families - in the hall where you can reach the throne of Prince Constantine of Ostroh, forever engraved in your memory and make an unforgettable impression .
The throne room is a place of special ceremonial purpose, in the interior of which elements of architectural decoration in the Renaissance style are introduced:
ceiling caissons with massive and small decorative rosettes, a wide frieze formed of heraldic and plant elements depicting the coats of arms of the owners of Dubno Castle
the floor is made of porcelain and resembles the marble floors of castles of early modern times, and its pattern is formed in the form of a regular grid, and repeats the rhythm of the caissons of the ceiling
unique carved 6-meter table made of 4 grades of wood, massive carved doors and wooden bars of dark tone complete the ensemble of the created interior
All this together creates a unique ensemble in a place shrouded in ancient legends, so it is a tour of the Throne Room will take you back several centuries, which will give you the opportunity to feel the spirit and atmosphere of the XV century. and will forever be etched in your memory.
and guide services
Dubno is the princely capital of Volhynia

Admire the architectural monuments and the grandeur of the fortifications
Participants of the tour will visit key objects and sights of the ancient city: Dubna Castle, the central historical part of Dubna, the former Carmelite monastery, the Church of John Nepomuk, the Church of St. Elijah, the former Bernardine Church, Lutsk Gate, Church of the Savior and the Transfiguration, synagogue.
During the interesting story of the guide you:
- take you to several historical epochs at once and walk along the historical paths of the ancient city, shrouded in ancient history and legends
- walk through the places where the tragic events of the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people, which MV Gogol described in his work "Taras Bulba"
- see ancient temples and former monasteries that were built in different periods and have different architectural styles
- you will touch the unique historical building of the city - Lutsk Gate - a rare species of barbican (which is not found anywhere else except Volyn), where in the XVIII century. the Masonic lodge "Perfect Secret" was located
- you will see with your own eyes the Great Synagogue, which was built in 1794. and is one of the largest in western Ukraine
- and more…
1200 грн. - up to 20 people
1500 грн. - more than 20 people
In the footsteps of the heroes of "Taras Bulba"

Immerse yourself in the mysterious and underground world of ancient Dubna!
An interesting and unforgettable tour of the historic center of Dubno, where you:
- take you back to the historical era of the Cossacks to admire the architectural monuments and the grandeur of the fortifications
- You can imagine what the city was like 300 years ago
- Stroll through the market square surrounded by 18th-century townhouses.
- look into the mysterious dungeons of the city and go down to the crypt of the former Bernardine church - this is where the underground passage led to the castle, which was described by M. Gogol in his story "Taras Bulba"
- walk the historical trails of the heroes of the story, listen to the fascinating love story of Andrew and the Pole and visit the medieval castle, where a romantic meeting of lovers took place…
1200 грн. - up to 20 people.
1500 грн. - more than 20 people.
History of torture and punishment

* under the order (entrance ticket and guide services are paid)
An exciting action that will forever be etched in your memories!
The instruments of torture are made in the original size according to the original drawings and, most interestingly, they are working!
- Here you will learn about the horrors of the Middle Ages and the history of instruments of torture
- wander the dungeons of the palace of the Ostroh princes, which were previously used as a prison
- You will see a perfectly preserved vault, and the Inquisitor and the executioner will sharpen the feeling of adrenaline!
- children's - 10 UAH.
- adult - 15 UAH.
- for children - 150 UAH.
- for adults - UAH 250.